vrijdag 15 maart 2013

What do I remember from the course globalization.

In the different sessions of globalization, I learned important aspects of globalization. These aspects have some led to some changes in professional field​​.

In the first place we sat together with different nationalities and cultures in one large classroom. For the sessions globalization, there was a mixed of foreign and Danish people. It was a large group of different nationalities and cultures. This gave me the opportunity to get to know other people and to discover what their cultural content and their experiences were with other people, other cultures, education, ... .

Because the group was split up into smaller groups of 4 persons (2 international students, 2 Danish students), the communication between different cultures was even more interesting for me. In this way we can share our experiences with each other, which was useful to get some tips with me. Useful things for me were to see how they work on different projects, how you can reduce the language barrier (culture shock), the nature of education in your own culture, ... .

These sessions were really a nice experience. There were very nice people, both Danish students and international students. By listening to the various speakers, I have gotten a broader view on the various aspects of education, different projects that you can do ... . I got a broader perspective on education, communication with others, ... .

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